Seeds of Hope
Other Stories of Inspiration and Resources
Happy 105 Years Ethel! What is Your Secret?
At the age of 100 Ethel had a fall, broke a hip, and despite the odds, returned to live,alone, in her little house in Margaret, in southwest Manitoba. Until the age of 103 she served cheese whiz on margarine covered toast and tea in china tea cups to visitors. On my...
Kim Vetner Provides Hope for Women battling MS
Now in her early thirties and fulfilling her passion by raising three active children with her husband, while continuing to provide support to women with MS, Kim was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in October 2010. It felt like a death sentence. She didn’t give in...
Hope Beyond Illness – MS
Shuli and I met through our love for the great teacher of Strategic Therapy, Cloe Madanes. Cloe had seen the draft of Shuli's book and my film and knew we needed to meet. Her book that documents her recovery from the illness of MS, made it to best seller list on...
Sheena Grobb – MS
Summary Now a singer, songwriter and motivational speaker, Sheena was diagnosed with MS at the age of 16. She was loosing the use of her hands when she discovered a turning point outside of conventional medicine and now lives symptom free. Get Out Alive (Official...
Dr. Terry Wahls – MS
Summary Dr. Terry Wahls healed herself from MS and went on to become a Best Selling Author with her well researched book about how she did that: The Wahls protocol. She hosts on line classes to connect with you if you wish to join The Wahls Warriors and find...
Rachelle Breslow-MS
Summary - Rachelle Breslow Now in her 80's, Rachelle healed from MS 30 years ago. Her book is personal, easy to read, packed with wisdom that will support you on a difficult journey. Who Says So? This is Rachelle's Story: Who Said So? A Woman's Journey of...
News on Healing
Four minute exercise to boost your health
Build Mitochondrial Health in four minutes a day? Try this three minute work out 3 times a day. Another good doctor - Zach Bush, MD leads this three minute work out. We are busy people, but even a short workout adds zing to the start of the day. Keep your coffee...
Chris Work – healing from Cancer and other “incurable” illness pulled together!!
I am impressed. Chris Work focused on how to heal from cancers but simplifies and provides comprehensive information that puts together healing from all autoimmune disease. This link covers part one of foods to eat. His story of defeating stage four colin cancer...
Mercola adds some tips about how to use Ketosis – prevention of Cancer
Dr. Mercola adds some tips about prevention of Cancer, and (other diseases) ...
Five Lovely (&Cancer-fighting) & Essential Oils and how to use them
It’s always nice when someone does the work of compelling information to make it easier – Thanks Ty Bollinger, author “The Truth About Cancer” for pulling this list together. 1. Frankincense Frankincense may well be my number one favorite essential oil for its...

Judith Morrow’s Inspiration
While I was shocked and dismayed by what I was discovering, I chose to focus on telling a story hope, showing the simple actions people can take to take back their own health. -Judth Morrow