Summary  – Rachelle Breslow

Now in her 80’s, Rachelle healed from MS 30 years ago. Her book is personal, easy to read, packed with wisdom that will support you on a difficult journey.

Who Says So?

This is Rachelle’s  Story: Who Said So? A Woman’s Journey of Self-Discovery and Triumph and complete recovery   by Rachelle Breslow


A few personal words

Rachelle sent these words of wisdom for the  Evening of Hope event in Winnipeg:

“Hello from Las Vegas!  Thank you for including me in your mission to help people regain their power to heal their own bodies. I want to leave you one or two pieces of “wisdom”.   Your body knows how to heal itself when we allow it.  Your own belief in this power is the catalyst to keep you moving. Believe, surrender and trust–you have all you need within you. Learn to laugh, know the power of thought and tell a new story–the new story of your life.