“A terrific documentary. Heather understood – what I have come to understand. By attending to health promoting behaviors, she set the stage for the cells to slowly repair and rebuild. We need to make the environment as good as we can for our cells, and allow the self correcting physiology of our cells begin the magic”
–Terry Wahls MD., Professor of Medicine, Iowa University Author Best Seller, “The Wahls Protocol
“Inspiring and motivating! Whether trapped physically or mentally, Heathers ourney shows us that we have the power to change our mind, body and spirit. It inspired me! The gem of this film is that it can be anyone. You feel hope”
–Lupe Padilla Mitchell, Quality of Life Coach
–Ben Mullinkosson, Director “What I Hate About Myself” Best of Fest at Thin Line Documentary Festival
Great work!
Big hug!
–Cloe Madanes, HDL, LAC, World renowned teacher of family and strategic therapy, Robbins Madanes Training Center
Kind regards
–Leonoor Van Kuyk, Netherlandsr
–Donna Lynne Larson, Director The Walk, Talk, Dance and Sing, The Hashimoto Project
“WOW. I loved the story. It was very satisfying to watch as someone who has had a similar journey, and the same hard-won lessons. There is indeed a very important tipping point ahead! Heartfelt thanks to you!! Bravo!”
– Donna-Lynne Larson, Owner/Creative Director “Walk Talk Dance Sing” w: www.studiowild.ca p: 604-771-5683 e: [email protected]
–Frank Nanney
This is a kickoff for me to finally start my film with my brother michael,who is handicapped.”
–Lots of love from Germany. Be proud!!
–Andreas Knuffmann
–Arthur Schafer, Phd, Medical Bioethics, U of Manitoba
–Suzanne Newman, M.D. Women’s Health Clinic, Winnipeg
–Linda Jones, Iowa
–Ellen Karr, Director, Multiple Sclerosis Society
–Wes Benton, Producer,, Co founder Sun & Sand Festival, Producer & Owner Red Planet Entertainment
–Greg Marsh, BetterEyesighNow.org
–Emma Patricio, Meta Health University
–Kyle Sierens, Web Desinger & Catherine Paquin, Veterinarian
–Shawna Peters, Body Talk Practitioner, Killarney, Manitoba
–Susan Snead, Photographer, Massage Therapist, Astrologer
“I found it very positive and encouraging. You did a good job, very well done. You’re very talented. I think you will be up against Peter Jackson next.!!!! I will lend it to some of my M.S. friends and hope it will strike a chord with them and give them encouragement.”
–Karen Goddard, M.D., New Zeland
“After seeing the documentary about Heather’s healing, I wanted to reach out and say hi, and thank you. For years I have been afraid to share the reality of what my life has really looked like, afraid of being labelled, rejected, dismissed….under-estimated. I am just beginning this process of speaking out. Seeing your documentary has profoundly encouraged me. My story is oddly similar. I was diagnosed at 16 years old with relapsing-remitting MS. I too found my healing through alterna tive forms of wellness and lifestyle changes. I am 29 now and following my career as singer/ songwriter/ pianist and teacher.”
–Sheena Grobb, Visionary Singer/Songwriter and Teacher Red Shoe Music Inc.
Email: [email protected]
–Susan Kelso, Actress and Writer
–Dave Barber, Winnipeg Film Group
“We need people to put their time into things like this so we can get a new perspective. It takes people of vision to make a new way of seeing things. It was so…just so amazing. You must feel very gratified.”
–Ethel McMillan, 102 years old
–Ursula Shbib
–Pam Campbell
–Author and Environmental Activist, Guy Dauncey, British Columbia
–Sherrie Novak, Organizational Development Consultant
“Your documentary has been so inspirational. We have found ourselves on a new journey of surgery, treatment, support, faith, positive thinking, the whole nine yards. It doesn’t matter what the malady is, it’s the how you deal with it that mat ters, and that’s where you three amigos come in. Thanks to all three of you for sharing your story.”
–Dj Lamb, Radio Announcer
“I thought the documentary was excellent. You took on a gigan tic task but did an incredible job conveying the determination and the hope… and the peace. For those who can make the in credible connection between body and mind and spirit, this is powerful stuff. Treating symptoms and ignoring causes and the ability of the body to heal itself are not doing us any favors.”
–Mary Kalberg
–Sharon Grabowski
–Chris Graham, Teacher
“It was so clear and easy to follow what happened. The shots were beautiful. It is so full of information. I was blown away. What a wonderful achievement!”
–Bernice Hemingway, Nurse, Mercy Ships.org
–Jack and Nancy Binkley, Teacher and Real Estate Agent
who have been told they were hopeless.”
–Lindsay Johnston, Nutrition Consultant
glad for Heather that she had that tenacity, in the face of her many daily challenges. Her example brings hope to the rest of us”
–Diane Kunec
–Cam & Tracey Evans
–Kirk Gostkowski Artistic Director Variations Theatre Group, Festival Director Chain NYC Film Festival
–Paul Rayner, Journalist Boissevain Recorder
–Vickie Morrow, Mother
–Martha McMillan, Margaret, Manitoba
–Rockin’ Ronnie Lindsay, CKUW radio show host
The images in the film were amazing & gorgeous. The message of hope & possibility was so powerful. Seeing Heather in person & how vibrant she is was a perfect cap to it all! What a brave & beautiful accomplishment for you both. Thank you for inviting me”
–Margaret Tobin, MSW, University of Manitoba, Human Relations Department
–Nancy Kelly, Teacher
–Martha McMillan
–Monique Dorge
–Chris Graham. Teacher
“The musical was chosen with a good taste. The guitar sounds address the mood very well. I was expecting to hear the score written by one composer. In this case I don’t thing it is impor tant because the point of your film is to tell this fantastic story and the music keeps the emotion and the mood. Congrats again with your beautiful film!”
–Martin Ulikhanyan, Composer Armenian Symphony Orchestra www.martinulikhanyan.com
–Mary Jane. CKUW Radio Show host
–Actor, Filmmaker Richie Jacobs
–Daniel Madrid, A.Sc. B.A. Certified Nutritionist
–Norman Dugas, Filmmaker, Musician
–Karen O’Brian, Psychologist
“I thought your film showed to be a labour of love, and profes sional and I hope you are proud.”
–Lisa La Bella, MD
–Jordan Bellan, Yoga Instructor
–Suzanne Newman. M.D., Women’s Health Clinic
–media name withheld
–Brandon Ackerman, Filmmaker
–Victor Olson, Lawyer Merchant Law Group
–Sharon Grabowski
–Bonnie Madowski
–Ellen Kruger
–Ralph Brown
–Petra Sumec
–Ron and Wendy Anthony
–Carlos Fernandez, University Counsellor, Mexico City
much energy that I have taken up running and cycling as a sport. I am signed up for a marathon. I am looking for a triathlon to run sometime soon as well.”
–Kenny Smith
“Thrilling and intense. Great images. Superb commentary and voice over.”
– Andreas Knuffmann, Producer, Boomerang Films, Germany
-Susan Snead, Photographer, Massage Therapist, Astrologer
– Cloe Madanes, Phd Psych, Author President of (Anthony)Robbins-Madanes Training and Madanes Institute.
-Kind regards & thoughts from Denmark, Anne-Grete
nner that took into account multiple and complex perspectives. I left the screening with much hope for those who are challenged with MS and for those who search for alternative approaches to healing that which ails them.
Sherrie Novak, Organizational Development Consultant
-Daneil Madrid, B.A., Certified Nutritionist
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